Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bangka Island

Bangka is island that located north of java’s sea and east of south Sumatra. Bangka is province of Bangka Belitung. It is new province and name of capital city is Pangkalpinang. Trade center and center of government are locate in Pangkalpinang. We know that Bangka as either region of mining and agricultural product, like Tin (it is the most product in Indonesia), Papper white (it will be exported to Europe), oil Palm, and still anymore. In other hand, Bangka has many places to be pleasant.

There are a lot of locate of tours, like beach, green mountain range and culture tour. One of town that attractive to be visited in Bangka is Mentok. It is region of west Bangka. This town has been built century years ago. Government of Dutch have structured this area and also it is became port Mentok. Because that, it is called port town. From port Mentok, agricultural products are taken to Europe. Mentok town has still a lot of old architecture like Europe’s architecture. Two of a hundred old building are Menumbing house and Ranggam public building. They have been lived by founder of our country that are Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, and some of other friends like H. Agus Salim and Mr. M. Room. They have been thrown a way by Dutchman to Bangka on 1949. Beside that, Bangka has also many other tour’s towns like Sungailiat, Pangkalpinang, Koba, Toboali. They have a lot of beach, so you can enjoy to pleasant satisfaction. Pasir Padi beach is not so far from capital city, Pangkalpinang. Parai Tenggiri beach, resort, hotel and restaurant, Matras beach, Pesona beach and resort in Sungailiat, Sadap waterfall in Koba, Sadai beach, Sadai port, Kerasak cape in Toboali.

If you will visit Bangka, do not forget to go to agricultural tours. It is place in south Bangka and center Bangka. There are many agricultural products, like papper white garden, pineapple garden, oil palm, rubber, etc. Bangka has a lot of culture but there are habit culture majority. They are Malay and Chinese.

4 comments: said...

alamakkk... bangka cuy.... bali nya pulau sumatra... said...

aku inget banget dulu waktu aku kecil... aku sering ke jakarta pake kapal laut.. kapal rinjani namanya... dan biasanya berhenti barang beberapa jam ( biasanay malam) untuk nurunin penumpang yang mau ke mentok/muntok gitu deh klo ga sa;ah namanya...
yah dulu waktu kecil ga tau apa2 tentang daerah itu... yang ada di pikiran cuma daerah kecil yang ga penting2 banget buat dicari tau...(hehehe)

eh sekarang aku baru ngerti ternyata aku telah menilai salah tentang daerah itu..
(makanya neng,klo menilai sesuatu jangan dari kulit nya doang.. )

hmm... ternyata indah banget yah.... aku belom pernah kesana sih.. cuma dengar cerita orang dan sekarang aku lihat foto2nya yang menakjubkan...apalagi dengan laut yang kehijauan... lima jempol buat kampung nya mas chyp...

Maha suci Allah yang telah menganugrahkan kita negeri yang indah...

Anonymous said...

Iya keren bgt........

sucipto said...

iya kapan Rinjani pasti berenti di bangka, mau ngangkut penumpang juga...

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